Welcome! My name is Julie and I’m so blessed you’re here!
Seriously, you have no idea how blessed I am that you are here… reading my “About” page! (Okay, maybe you DO know how blessed I am!) Thank you so much for dropping in!
Tiny take on me: I’m Julie Briones: Mom, G’ma, daughter, sister, office manager, diy-er, crafter, thrifter, and first and foremost, Jesus follower (without Him, I am nothing). I feel like this is where I should break out singing, “Grace… Grace.. Goddd’s grace!” Anything good that comes from this blog is because of His grace, and is done for His glory.
My small part of the world: Born, raised, and residing in Southern California, I live in a 400sf loft apartment that is just *perfect* for my lifestyle, and is lovingly referred to by my friends and family (and myself) as “My Wee Abode”.
My little (but growing) family: I have two grown children, both married, and, at the time of this writing, my daughter and son-in-love have a 6-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl and number 3 is on the way. My son and daughter-in-love have a 3.5-year-old boy and 1-year-old girl! All of them are the delight of my soul! Blessings upon blessings, I’m tellin’ ya! (new photos coming soon!)
An itty-bit on why I blog: I am a ‘late-bloomer’ in Blog Land, having only started reading and following blogs in Mid-2016. But after I started, I was HOOKED! I so much appreciate the kindness that bloggers show us readers by sharing all their projects, tips and tricks. But one thing I couldn’t find, as I jumped from one wonderful post to another, was a blog that dealt with those of us that live in smaller homes… dare I say ‘tiny’ homes? Even RENTAL HOMES?! Duh-duh-duuuuuh! Yep, that’s me and My Wee Abode. I want to share things I’ve learned (and am learning) with others in my same situation. How to create a beautiful, peaceful, comfortable, and cozy home in a small space. AND, do it on a budget… I mean a REAL budget!
Another reason I started the blog… I wanted to get to know people that like/love what I love, so we can share and learn together. I write a post; you share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. I reply to your comments; we get to know each other… we connect! Annnd, there’s even Facebook, Pinterest, and Instragram to connect through, too! Pretty cool, huh?!
- My birthday is December 24, and I LOVE it!!!! (I bet you thought I was going to give my age…)
- I’ve been a single-again-mom (not by choice) since my children were 5 and 2. But, it’s all God’s goodness! Truly!
- I love my church family! They have been a HUGE support to me and my tiny family for many years!
- My Wee Abode is the first home that I can call ‘all mine’ in over 20 years! And I’m having SO MUCH FUN!
- I love Smarties candy.
- Dark roasted coffee, black, no sugar is my coffee of choice (anyone out there tried Aldi’s brand? It is REALLY good!)
- Fave colors? Aqua… and blue… and green.
- Roller coasters are SO FUN, but not the one I have been on most of my life with my weight. (Just keepin’ it real, friends!)
- I have a HUGE collection of out-of-print books from the 1800s and newer, and I love learning about the lives of the authors.
- Let you in on a little secret… I would LOVE to learn to swing dance!
- I collect vintage Pyrex, but I’ve had to limit myself to the turquoise and pink patterns.
- Bad customer service is probably my biggest pet-peeve (again, just keepin’ it real!)
- And… wait for it… I’m 56 years old. Yep, I said it! (Fun fact: “Julie” means “youthful one”… but I think it may simply mean “immature one” (wink).
Now, it’s your turn! Please leave a comment in the section below. I would really enjoy learning about you! I read every comment that is left and try my VERY best to reply to each one, as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

All the veggies

Healthy Treats

Shopping trips