valentine door tote pinterest challenge supplies for creating a tote with flowers hanging on coat rack
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Add a Little Spice with a Valentine Door Tote Pinterest Challenge

It’s that time again! Pinterest Challenge time! And this month, I thought you might like to add a little spice with a Valentine door tote Pinterest Challenge! ADD A LITTLE SPICE WITH A VALENTINE DOOR TOTE PINTEREST CHALLENGE This month’s Pinterest Challenge is all about Valentine’s Day door and wall decor. If you are visiting…

make ticking strip fabric heart wreath Valentine's on door
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How to Make a Ticking Stripe Fabric Heart Wreath

Thanks for coming by today! Today, let’s learn how to make a ticking fabric heart wreath (but, you can do it in any shape you want, and it will be gorgeous)!  This ‘rag wreath’ is a fun watch-a-Hallmark-movie type of craft! HOW TO MAKE A TICKING STRIPE FABRIC HEART WREATH As featured at Farmhouse Style…