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Easy DIY RV Window Screen Repair

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This easy DIY RV window screen repair post isn’t pretty. But, it sure is helpful. Take a look how easy it is, and why you don’t have to be afraid to take the first step in an RV repair.

Easy DIY RV Window Screen Repair

Hello fellow RVers, tiny home dwellers, apartment renters, and kindred-spirit home owners!

Just a warning…

Today’s post is NOT pretty. In fact, it’s far from it with about three colors in all of the photos. Talk about a neutral palette!

easy DIY RV window screen repair travel trailer bedroom in neutral tones with hat and guitar on bed

However, the repair that I’m sharing IS super easy, and I hope it will help you to not be afraid to just LOOK at what might need to be repaired in your travel trailer, tiny house, rental home, or any type of home!

(BTW, that is not a picture of my current bedroom… I’m still working on the pretty part of MWA, coming soon! The picture above is the prettiest thing you’ll see on this post. So you better Pin if for later! 😉 )

Explore: Easy Window Screen Repair

The scariest part of a repair is often exploring the actual issue itself.

We sometimes paralyze ourselves and procrastinate doing a repair because we are fearful it will be too involved, too expensive, or take too much time to complete the repair. Can anyone relate? My hand is raised very high right now!

The screen in the dinette area was loose and open. When I tried to push it back in, it just wouldn’t remain closed.

easy DIY RV window screen repair loose screen on RV window

After several weeks, and a few hot days in So Cal, I decided it was time to figure out what was wrong! I needed that window OPEN!

I was surprised to discover the loose screen was a super simple problem. Not scary at all!

Supplies for an Easy DIY RV Window Screen Repair

And this repair was super affordable, with only one part needed. Plus, I ended up with extras in case for when the other screens need the same repair!

What You’ll Need

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And that’s it!

There are lots of different types of window screen clips that can get brittle and break over time. It happens in every home, and every type of window. Just check your screen to see what type of clip you need. There are usually one or two that are still attached… just order the same type.

Simple Preparation for Repairing a Travel Trailer Window Screen

A couple things you may want to do before fixing a loose window screen:

  • Take the opportunity to clean the screen. First vacuum the screen (with a vacuum hose and brush attachment or handvac, of course!), and then wash/spray down the screen with mild detergent and water. Allow time to dry completely.
  • Clean the window and window sill area. On an RV, you might want to clean the window frame, too!
collage of window cleaning steps with black RV window
Don’t judge! I’m still settling in and finding things that need to be cleaned!

Easy peasy, only takes a few minutes!

How to Fix a Loose Window Screen the Easy Way

So, this is really simple to do… so simple, I’m a little embarrassed to show you. But who knows? If it helps even one person, I’m happy to have shared this!

Usually, the clip is already missing or broken.

window screen with black frame and clip opening

But, if you want to replace ALL the clips, even the ones that are old and still intact, simply take your screwdriver (butter knife, because I had it handy), and press against the flat side of the clip until it lifts out of the slot. The rest of the clip will then easily slide out.

easy DIY RV window screen repair collage of screen repair with clips

Next, just repeat the above process in reverse. Slide the slanted side of the clip into the opening, and take your screwdriver and push in the flat side of the clip until it slips into the opening.

collage of window screen repair with screen and knife

The final step is to replace the screen on the window. This can be a little tricky, and might take some adjusting and repositioning.

Push, pull, and tug the screen to ensure all the openings are covered and no buggies can make their way inside. We don’t want any mosquitos chomping on our ankles!

easy DIY RV window screen repair fit in window
Now to wash the OUTSIDE of the windows!

And that’s all there is to it!

Now I can cross this project off my short list of simple DIY repairs for my stationary travel trailer… aka My Wee Abode.

I hope this post inspires you…

…to find the courage and motivation to tackle a repair in your home, even if it’s just taking a closer look at what needs fixing. It doesn’t hurt to just look, right?

And here’s another DIY RV window repair that’s easier than you think!

If you want even more small home solutions and stationary travel trailer life, plus immediate access to the FREE printables library, simply click/tap on the button below!

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Now, share with me in the comments below what’s next on your home repair list?

signature updated 2022

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  1. I am sure having a breeze blow through is a must. We can do that for only one more day here in VA and then the air will go on . Have a blessed day.

    1. Thanks, Catherine. It really was easy. So far, all the repairs I’ve needed to do have been easy. Now I need to fix a leaky shower head. Can you believe it, I’m STILL scared! 😉

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