So Close, But Yet So Far
Have you ever felt that way? So close, but yet so far? I sure have….
I aced that interview, but didn’t get the job…. #soclosetoamazing
That photo I took looks great on the camera screen, but is blurry as all get-out when I bring it up on the monitor… #soclosetoamazing
This song is my fave, if I could JUST reach that high note without sounding like a 12-year-old-boy… #soclosetoamazing
That dress would be PERFECT for tonight’s event, but that last 5 pounds I didn’t shed are just slapping me upside the head and laaaaughing! (Ugh)… #soclosetoamazing
The Lord loves me and has forgiven me of all my sins, and I *still* won’t consistently spend time with Him each day… sigh… #wellsisterthatstillisamazing
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Intro to So Close to Amazing
About 2 years ago, I found out I was going to have a place I could call ‘all mine’ for the first time in over 20 years! (I’ll have to share that story later, as blog posts are not called ‘novels’ for a reason!)
As the time approached for me to begin packing, I decided that I needed to get on the “Pinterest-wagon” and start searching for décor. I had NO idea that there were so many styles out there! I guess I just had not paid attention, figuring I couldn’t really implement any of those styles in the living situations I had been in the past 20 years.
While searching all the different ‘pins’, I realized I was repeatedly drawn to the photos that were describing this look called ‘farmhouse’ and ‘farmhouse cottage’. Several of those pins kept leading me to a blog called “Thistlewood Farm”.
I was hooked!
Not only was I hooked on the farmhouse look, I was hooked on my VERY FIRST BLOG!
Thistlewood Farms – The Blog and Author
The owner and author of Thistlewood Farm is Mrs. KariAnne Wood (insert angels singing ‘ahhhhh’ in vibrato)…(okay, I hope that comes across the way I hear it in my head).
So, noooow was I not only hooked on my very first blog, I was hooked on the way only KariAnne Wood could tell a story!
I looked forward to each day I received a notification saying, “There’s a new post on Thistlewood Farm”! Woo hoo!!! I would click that mouse as fast as I could in order to get over to read her post and see what new giggle, guffaw, tear or sob I was going to experience in that short visit… And I have NEVER been disappointed.
Seriously, y’all… I’m not jokin’ here. Her story-telling is top-notch.
Fast Forward – So Close to Amazing
Two years later, suffice to say, when KariAnne announced that her first book was coming out, and that she needed her readers to help her with a book launch.
This reader’s hand shot up into the sky and her bottom bounced in her seat as high and as fast as her little chubby body could bounce! (Man, I hope y’all laughed at that, because I’m sure giggling while I write it, and I’m darn near tears! Stupid hormones!)
ANYWAYS, KariAnne accepted me on her team… and What. A. Blast!
During that time, I was also privileged to have a blog consultation over the phone with KariAnne, and was blessed to get to know her on a more personal level. The way she comes across in her story-telling and on video is the same “in person”. A sweet, sincere, kind, and bubbly sister in Christ.
KariAnne Wood’s First Book
Her first book is titled, “So Close To Amazing”, and it’s more than just close to amazing.
This autobiography-type book, sprinkled throughout with DIY tutorials, had me unexpectedly laughing and crying by the very first chapter.
Her story of suddenly moving with her hubby and 4 children to Kentucky, leaving her extended family and friends in Texas, and the many #soclosetoamazing experiences she had, during and after that time, make this book a real page-turner.
KariAnne’s style of writing is quirky, and sometimes random with her “total asides”, but it all makes sense and is not only fun, but teaches real-life lessons about being #soclosetoamazing. Best of all, she always points to the Lord, showing us that perfect is not what it’s cracked up to be, and that His plan for our lives IS always perfect and totally and completely amazing!
I hope you’ll treat yourself to this book, and maybe even pick-up copy up for a friend or two! You can find it here, and it’s on sale right now!
More Books from KariAnne Wood
Tell me, have you had a moment (or two!) of being so close, but yet so far?
Julie, this book sounds amazing! I’m definitely going to check it out. You must have had so much fun working with KariAnne. She sounds like a lovely person.
Hi, Kim! Yes, the book is REALLY good… and KariAnne is a dear. I think you would REALLY enjoy reading it! We are actually just starting the launch of her newest book “The DIY Home Planner”. Fun stuff!
I love what and how you write. Did you stage and shoot these photos? They are beautiful!
Thank you so much, T! Your words are such an encouragement! Yes, I staged and took the photos… believe it or not, with my iPhone. I learned from KariAnne that flat lay photography is best done with our phones! Crazy, huh? I’m glad you liked them… again, majorly encouraging! Hugs! Miss you!
Loved reading your blog!
Thank you so much! Encouraging words are wonderful! Hope you are having a good weekend!
I’m totally laughing with you, Julie! It wouldn’t surprise me if God opened wide the opportunity for you to write a book, too. Seriously, you certainly have the writing voice for a great read. 😉
LOL!!! I’m so glad you laughed! Writing a book… now wouldn’t that be crazy? It’s hard to believe I’m even doing this blog! 😉
I’ll go over and check out Thistlewood Farms. Sounds wonderful! I did laugh at the messy buns and yoga pants – yep! Can totally relate! I wear yoga pants (or maxi skirt with elastic waist) & long, flouncy Pioneer Woman style blouse because (stupid hormones -amen!) I’m usually bloated and unable to button my pants. 😀
Middle age – uff da.
I love your spirit, my new friend.
LOL, Kay! Yes… hormones are the devil!!! LOL! I think you will LOVE Thistlewood Farms, AND KariAnne! She’s quite an amazingly gifted woman. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in, friend!
Darn it, now I really want to know what happened with that sink!!!
You are so funny! 🙂