
Tuesday Turn About #242 Hop Into Spring

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Tuesday Turn About #242 Hop Into Spring: The party is hopping, and we have TEN features this week!


We had lots of spring tidbits at last week’s party.


I’m baaaack!

From Hawaii, that is!

And the party is BIG this week!

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Lynne is home with a fever and feeling punky, so this week I’m featuring my five features, along with the ones she was planning on sharing! That’s TEN features this week from just me! 😉

It’s all about spring this week… some about the season, some about the coming Easter holiday! Did you realize Easter is early this year? Yep, March 31st, to be exact!

AND, for those states that still align with Daylight Savings Time, that starts this coming weekend! It’s time to SPRING forward on March 10 at 2am. Do you set your clocks the night before? I think it’s easier that way!

Abode Adventures

Well, I literally JUST walked in the door from mine and my sister’s trip to Oahu!

DeeDee and I both agree, the best word to describe the trip was “lovely”.

We relaxed. We shopped. We ate. We shopped. We visited a botanical garden. We shopped. We ate. We took the docent-led tour of the Iolani Palace. We ate. We shopped. We went around the island and visited the North Shore. And shopped, and ate. And we even dipped our feet into the ocean! 😉

More to come about the trip soon!

Our household and blogging tips will return next week!

tuesday turn about hostess banner MFT and MWA

Though not a requirement at all, we would love it if you would subscribe and/or follow your hostesses on one or more of our social medias:

tuesday turn about hostess feature header

My Wee Abode

tuesday turn about 242 hop into spring collage of easter egg spring decor

Spring Decorating Ideas with Velvet Easter Eggs // Spring Home Decor Picks

My Family Thyme

Lynne is under-the-weather and will be back soon!

tuesday turn about header features

DIY Pottery Barn Cement Bunny Dupe

tuesday turn about 242 hop into spring cement bunny o desk
Featured Blog: Midwest Life and Style

Crafting Whimsical Spring Carrots

spring carrots made from clothespins in basket
Featured Blog: Clover House

Traditional Family Recipe: Cream Scones

tuesday turn about 242 hop into spring scones on white plate
Featured Blog: Mantel and Table

DIY Faux Tulip Wreath

pink tulip wreath on white door
Featured Blog: Cottage in the Mitten

How to Print on Tissue Paper

printed paper from printer
Featured Blog: My French Twist

DIY Flower Pots with Clay Embellishments

tuesday turn about 242 hop into spring pots with spring clay embellishments
Featured Blog: An Organized Season

DIY Spring Tulip Wreath Centerpiece

woven bunny with spring elements in middle of spring wreath
Featured Blog: Thistle Key Lane

Fast “Loose” Flower Watercolor

tuesday turn about 242 hop into spring watercolor flower in yellow
Featured Blog: The Painted Apron

DIY Wooden Spring “hello” Sign

wooden hello sign with spring elements hanging on door
Featured Blog: Steph Creates

Easy No-Sew Fabric Tulip Wreath

tuesday turn about 242 hop into spring fabric tulip wreath
Featured Blog: Lora Bloomquist

Check out our Tuesday Turn About Link Party Pinterest board! All featured posts are pinned to this board each week, IF you have a pinnable image!

tuesday turn about header link away

Let’s start sharing! Because this is a party, we encourage all who link up to visit several other bloggers who have linked as well – comments and pins are a great way to spread the love!

Before you get started, take a look at our guidelines:

  • This party is for home decor and home-related posts only (recipes, organizing, DIY, crafts, etc.). Link up to 3 related posts. Please do not link up informational posts that do not relate to the topic.
  • If you would please not link up shops, advertising, round-ups, other link parties, or any posts promoting sales, we would appreciate it.
  • DO NOT PIN FROM IMAGES ON THIS PAGE (it just won’t work right on Pinterest). However, please visit the original post/source and pin from there. That works perfectly!
  • Please make sure that your images are in a jpeg or png format. If we can’t save your image, we may not be able to feature you. So sad!
  • By linking to the party, you give us permission to share your projects on our blogs and social media, with the use of ONE photo from your blog for that may be included in a pinnable collage. We will always give proper credit with a no-pin image.

It’s always fun to feature more than the regular five features! We’re hoping the party will pump-up soon! We are lovin’ all the spring inspo!

signature updated 2022

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  1. Thank you so much for adding my hello sign to the list of features. I appreciate it very much. Also, it sounds like you had a wonderful time on your trip. My sister is currently stationed in Hawaii with her husband and great dane. 😊

    1. Oh, your poor sister! 😉 It was a lovely time! Is she on Oahu? You are so welcome for the feature!

  2. Julie your trip sounds so wonderful. I can’t wait to read about it and see the photos. Hawaii is on my husband’s and mine bucket list to visit someday.

    Thank you so much for featuring my PB Easter bunny dupe. I so appreciate it!

    1. You’ll get there! I would have never thought I would go once in my life… now I’ve been twice! God is good! (and you are so welcome for the feature!)

  3. Thanks so much for the party, I hope Lynne feels better soon! So glad you had a wonderful trip, it sounds dreamy~ I am honored to be a feature this week, thank you for choosing my watercolor flower! I’m ready. to spring forward this weekend!

  4. Hi Julie! I’m so happy you and your sister had a fabulous trip! Can’t wait to hear more about it, I’ve always wanted to go there! Sending prayers that Lynne feels better soon! Thanks for all your hard work hosting the party and for featuring my DIY flower pots! It’s much appreciated!

    1. Thanks, Donna! It was amazing. I would have never thought I would EVER go to Hawaii, let alone a second time with my sister! Crazy! (You are so welcome for the feature! Looks like you got LOTS of features this week!)

  5. Julie,
    Sounds like you had a charming time…Looking forward to pictures!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!! I hope you are having a great week!! And thanks for providing so much inspiration!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  6. Hey Julie, your trip to Hawaii sounds wonderful, I bet the food was amazing…glad you made it back home safely from your travels. Thanks so much for hosting this fun party, I’m joining in this week and linking up my Spring Home Tour post, ( link #41). Wishing you a Happy Spring Season!

    1. Thanks, Christie! Yes… we hit quite a few eateries that were so yummy! I visited your blog today and hoped you would be with us this week!

    1. Definitely feel refreshed and ready to make some decisions and settle-in (as much as I can). Hugs!

  7. Dear Julie and Lynn, Thanks bunches for hosting and having us over weekly.
    My links: 51+52. We will be delighted if you share your post links with us at SSPS. Link under BLOGGING.

    1. Yes… I was so fun. I’ve only been once before, and I’ll share about that in my post next week! 😉

    1. It really was wonderful. We are so grateful and blessed! Hugs! (So glad to have you with us each week, Tanya!)

  8. Welcome back from Hawaii Julie! I am so glad you had a great time. Hopefully Lynne will be fully recovered soon. Thank you for hosting.

  9. Thanks so very much for featuring my family scone recipe Julie! What a lovely surprise! I’m glad you had such a wonderful trip – it sounds completely relaxing and fun! It’s so sweet of you to host each week. I really appreciate it as a blogger and a reader. 🙂 Welcome home, and hope you have a great week!

    1. You are so welcome, Barbara. It was a great trip, and we’re so glad to have had the opportunity to have a once-in-a-lifetime trip! Hugs!

  10. Thanks to both you and Lynne, Julie… We so appreciate all you both do in providing this fun link up each week! We love participating (this week we’re sharing #75 and #76). Can’t wait to hear more about your trip!

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