
Tuesday Turn About #261 Summer Food Fun

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Tuesday Turn About #261 Summer Food Fun: The party is live and we’re talking food… and more!


Last week’s party, we were up to some shenanigans.

Y’all… I’m so glad you’re here, but…

tuesday turn about banner new

… I am BEAT!

I’ll explain in a minute, but today’s party is all about recipes, and more! We even have some tips and tricks about food… and water! 😉

We’ll be doing a fast party, with quick features. I apologize… but as I’m writing this, my mind is fuzzy, and my eyes are closing.

Wanna know why???

Abode Adventures

This week and weekend were FULLLLLL!

As I shared last week, I started on my new eating program. I hate to call it a diet, because it really is a lifestyle change. A change I’ve been wanting to make for years. And this program just seems to fit my needs.

The recipes are simple and yummy, and super easy to whip-up in the kitchen. Seriously easy. However, this week I was getting used to doing ‘all the things’ and acclimating to this new way of healthy eating, and by Saturday I started feeling the ‘detox’. A bit melancholy and exhausted!

By Sunday, I was much better and ready to take on the world another week.

Then today…

Today was my son-in-law’s birthday, and his parents and I spent the day celebrating with him, my daughter, and our grands. It was lovely, but tiring.

However, before I left to spend the day with them, I stepped on the scale for the first time since I started the program, just one week ago. Drumroll, please!

Down 6.4 pounds! All glory to God! Truly!

And then…

Then I had my trailer tanks to empty, laundry to get done, dinner to make, as well as overnight blueberry and almond butter oats for tomorrow’s breakfast.

Soooo, I appreciate you understanding. I’m hoping this week will be much better with prep and adjusting to cooking each night.

Tips and Finds will be back next week, Lord-willing!

Now, let’s get this party started!

Though not a requirement at all, I would be SO blessed if you would subscribe and/or follow me either here on the blog, Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. Thanks!

tuesday turn about 261 summer fun foods collage of projects

9 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Wall Paint Color //
How to Paint Ornaments for Your Christmas Color Palette

TTA Banner Heading 2
  1. Maple and Mustard Pork Tenderloin Recipe – Ann’s Entitled Life
  2. Sweet Summer Berry Salad Recipe – Master Pieces of My Life
  3. Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookie Recipe – Fat Dad Foodie
  4. Easy Recipe for Pineapple Salsa – The Wooden Spoon Effect
tuesday turn about 261 summer fun foods collage

5. Drink Up: Keep Your Colleagues (and You) Hydrated This Summer – Serenity You
6. Watermelon Cucumber Salad – Recipes Simple
7. Keto Baked Bacon Wrapped Avocado – Esme Salon
8. 2 Ingredient Bagels Air Fryer – Walking On Sunshine

tuesday turn about 261 summer fun foods

9. Million Dollar Mac and Cheese – Flour On My Face
10. 7 Ways to Stop Eating Fast Food – Blessed Simplicity
11. Custard Peach Pie – Cincy Shopper
12. Transform Your Life with Simple Cinnamon Solutions – Fluster Buster

tuesday turn about 261 summer fun foods

Check out our Tuesday Turn About Link Party Pinterest board! All featured posts are pinned to this board each week, IF you have a pinnable image!

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Let’s start sharing! Because this is a party, we encourage all who link up to visit several other bloggers who have linked as well – comments and pins are a great way to spread the love!

Before you get started, take a look at our guidelines:

  • This party is for home decor, home-related posts, and family-related posts only (recipes, organizing, DIY, crafts, travel, education, etc.). Link up to 3 related posts. Please do not link up informational posts that do not relate to the topic.
  • If you would please not link up shops, advertising, round-ups, other link parties, or any posts promoting sales, we would appreciate it.
  • DO NOT PIN FROM IMAGES ON THIS PAGE (it just won’t work right on Pinterest). However, please visit the original post/source and pin from there. That works perfectly!
  • Please make sure that your images are in a jpeg or png format. If we can’t save your image, we may not be able to feature you. So sad!
  • By linking to the party, you give us permission to share your projects on our blogs and social media, with the use of ONE photo from your blog for that may be included in a pinnable collage. We will always give proper credit with a no-pin image.

Thank you all again for being so understanding. I DO have a couple of new posts in the works, and I hope to get them out this week!

In the meantime, keep those posts a comin’! Love having you here at the party!

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  1. How exciting, Julie! Sounds like you’ve been through the tough first week and are reaping the benefits now! I can’t wait to learn more! Thanks, as always, for hosting this fun gathering space! Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you, Laura! The first week wasn’t hard, as much as busy. Busy getting acclimating to the cooking and preparing, though it’s really easy!

    1. Thanks, Jenna! Praying the Lord will be honored and glorified through it. It is all because of Him!

  2. You have been busy! Thanks for hosting, and have a great week ahead. Lots of great features, often there are too many to only choose 3…

  3. Julie,
    I am so curious about your new eating regime…6 pounds in a week! Fantastic!! You go , Girl! I am trying to get back on my own personal program as I fell off the wagon with Joe’s illness and then his passing… I need to start walking again for exercise but the heat and humidity here is doing me in so I need to wait until it gets cooler…
    Thanks so much for hosting this charming party!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Yes, walking is my next step in this change. If it’s too hot, I will go to the closest mall and walk there! My daughter and I do this once in a while. 😉 Email me if you want more details about the program, Debbie. No gimmick, just want to wait to share everything publicly.

  4. I am not sure which lifestyle ‘diet’ you’re following, but wow, well done!
    Thanks, Julie, for hosting weekly. WOW, thanks so much for the honor and featuring of the Keto Baked Bacon Wrapped Avocado this week.
    My entries this week are numbered #47+48

  5. Wow, congrats on the weight loss! I’m working on it, but it’s a struggle! Eating better, for sure. This is the first time I haven’t put weight on that I lost over a year ago, though, so I am trying not to complain. 🙂

  6. Wow you have been busy! Congrats on your first rewarding results! That takes a lot of determination and consistency – way to go! 😊 Thanks for all the great recipes, and for hosting the party. Hope you get some rest soon!

  7. Great job Julie! I need to get my nutrition in line as well. Thanks for the inspiration. Vitamin D is great for energy if you need a boost. I appreciate the feature. Stay well friend. XO- MaryJo

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