
Tuesday Turn About #251 Double the Fun

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Tuesday Turn About #251 Double the Fun: This week, we are doubling the fun at the party because we have features from last week AND this week!


At last week’s party, we had a first!

Are you ready to party in a BIG way this week?

Last week, I was SO crazy busy with the move, I had to skip the features. BUT…

tuesday turn about banner new

As promised, this week I’m featuring not ten, not fifteen, but TWENTY features… 10 from last week and 10 from this week!

We’re talking recipes, DIYs, Mother’s Day printables, and more!

Are you ready to get started?

Abode Adventures

Well, I am IN My Wee Abode 3.0, the travel trailer!

The trailer has been my full-time home for a little over a week now. It’s been a LOOOONG one of organizing and reorganizing, cluttering and decluttering, and then cluttering again. I’m still waiting to do a few final ‘declutters’. And, in a travel trailer that has living space of 200 square feet, the clutter happens quick during a move.

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun
Do you notice something ‘odd’? Tell me in the comments if you do!

See what I mean? I’m just keepin’ it real, friends!

There are about 5 more small boxes to unload, and then I have one large box that is going to Palmdale for the garage sale that will happen… hopefully in a few weekends!

Okay… besides the utter mess, can we just talk here? WHY will the Lord NOT let me get away from honey oak? Or any dark woods??? SIGH! Guess what project is in my future? And, I DON’T have to ask the landlord!!! WOO HOO!

More sharing to come soon! Any questions that you are just dying to ask about the move, and living tiny (like REALY tiny)?

This post may contain affiliate links, at no additional cost to you. For more information, see my complete disclosure HERE.

My Wee Finds

Of course, I’ve been all about organizing this week, and living tiny! Here are just a few items that I’m loving as I start settling in!

  • Is your coffee maker taking up too much room on your counter? This expandable (both height and width) shelf lifts your coffee maker off the counter, and leaves more space to work or store on the counter! There are different sizes, too!
  • Looking for a way to get rid of your clothes hamper? How ’bout a hanging laundry bag? It’s a neutral color and can be stored inside a closet on the wall or, in my case, on the wall in my bedroom. You gotta do what you gotta do!
  • Having issues getting up into/onto your bed? I am! LOL! So, I ordered this small and sturdy step stool to give me a little ‘push’ up into bed! 😉
  • Keeping shower and sink drains clear is a problem for most of us, I think. But, it’s especially tricky in a travel trailer! Thank goodness for the TubShroom and SinkShroom! These are working great and have not been cumbersome at all!

Weekly Blogging Tip

This week, we aren’t doing a blogging tip…

We’re going to do a Household Tip!

Do your berries go bad sooner than you can eat them? Do you want to purchase the big box of organic blueberries at Costco, but they get mushy too soon? What about moldy strawberries?

Well, I’ve tried several different hacks and finally found THE easiest and best one! When you get home from the store, don’t even wash your berries. Simply place them in a sealed flip top jar! When you want to eat them, just take out the amount you want, and wash those puppies. Then just close the jar on the rest and return it to the fridge. My berries now last 2-3 weeks! I kid you not! Give it a try!

You’re welcome!

Now, let’s get to the double features, shall we? But first, I’m running (well, stepping) over to the coffee maker to get me some decaf!

Though not a requirement at all, I would be SO blessed if you would subscribe and/or follow me either here on the blog, Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. Thanks!

collage of projects in house

How to Install Light Fixtures with No Hard Wire (the Easy Way!) //
Find the Best Prices on Your Favorite Decor Items

TTA Banner Heading 2

Once Upon a Castle Tablescape

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun disney castle tablescape
Featured Blog: Whispers of the Heart

Chocolate Buttermilk Sheet Cake Recipe

chocolate cake with silver fork on blue and white plate
Featured Blog: Thistle Key Lane

How to Plant Cosmos

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun pink cosmos flowers
Featured Blog: WM Design House

A Velvet Bookmark for Ma

velvet bookmarks on vintage book
Featured Blog: Decor to Adore

Fresh and Easy Pineapple Salsa

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun pineapples salso in bowl with lime wedge
Featured Blog: Midwest Life and Style

Top Ten Thrift Shopping Tips

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun ironstone vessels with doilies on vintage book
Featured Blog: The Antiqued Journey

Embracing the World as Our Guest

indian food feast on wooden table
Featured Blog: Grace Filled Moments

One Room Challenge: New Bed and Nightstands

Nostalgic Handkerchief Wreath with Vintage Pins

vintage handkerchief wreath with vintage pins
Featured Blog: Lora Bloomquist

Gluten Free Oatmeal Cream Pies

oatmeal creme pies
Featured Blog: Mommy Hates Cooking

Mother’s Day Printable Fun!

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun printables for Mother's Day
Featured Blog: Our Tiny Nest

Cinnamon Pastry Swirls

hands cutting cinnamon roles with thread
Featured Blog: Mantel and Table

DIY Mount Robson Pullover

burgundy sweater on male model outside
Featured Blog: Kiku Corner

Q-Tip Art and Hydrangea Painting

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun hydrangea watercolor in purple
Featured Blog: The Painted Apron

17 Beautiful Spring DIY Centerpieces

purple hyacinth in blue and white vessel on dining table
Featured Blog: BlueSky at Home

Homemade Lotion Bars Recipe

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun pile of lavender lotion bars
Featured Blog: Ann’s Entitled Life

How to Make Cute Crab Croissants for a Beach Party

crab salad croissants with stick eyes
Featured Blog: Hunny I’m Home

Laser Engraved Wood Rounds for Healthcare Workers

Fun fact that is close to my heart,
all profits from Birdz of a Feather go to the Alzheimer’s Society.

tuesday turn about 251 double the fun wood round with noreen etched
Featured Blog: Birdz of a Feather

DIY Mother’s Day Floral Arrangement

floral arrangement in pink and whites
Featured Blog: A Life Unfolding

Best Almond Chicken Florentine Recipe

almond chicken florentine in white bowl
Featured Blog: The Wooden Spoon Effect

Check out our Tuesday Turn About Link Party Pinterest board! All featured posts are pinned to this board each week, IF you have a pinnable image!

TTA Banner Heading 3

Let’s start sharing! Because this is a party, we encourage all who link up to visit several other bloggers who have linked as well – comments and pins are a great way to spread the love!

Before you get started, take a look at our guidelines:

  • This party is for home decor, home-related posts, and family-related posts only (recipes, organizing, DIY, crafts, travel, education, etc.). Link up to 3 related posts. Please do not link up informational posts that do not relate to the topic.
  • If you would please not link up shops, advertising, round-ups, other link parties, or any posts promoting sales, we would appreciate it.
  • DO NOT PIN FROM IMAGES ON THIS PAGE (it just won’t work right on Pinterest). However, please visit the original post/source and pin from there. That works perfectly!
  • Please make sure that your images are in a jpeg or png format. If we can’t save your image, we may not be able to feature you. So sad!
  • By linking to the party, you give us permission to share your projects on our blogs and social media, with the use of ONE photo from your blog for that may be included in a pinnable collage. We will always give proper credit with a no-pin image.

Whew! That was a LOT of features, but so fun, right? Thank you all for hanging in with me as I settle into my new home! And, I love perusing your posts, so keep ’em coming!

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  1. Oh my goodness so many amazing features! Thank you for sharing my Mother’s Day printables Julie! I hope you have a wonderful week 🙂

  2. Julie, you are a champion! With all you have going on, you have 20 features, too! Wowza! I can’t wait to see how darling your new home will be!

  3. Congrats on the move Julie, I can’t wait to hear more about your trailer living! Thank you so much for choosing my post about Q-tip painting as a feature this week and thank you for continuing to host this party when you are so so busy!

  4. Hi Julie, thank you for the party. I am obsessed with your new abode! Can’t wait to hear what I missed in the photo! Happy May! xo laura

  5. Happy May Julie! I love your new home. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. Wow! Thanks so much for the feature! Thank you for hosting and your warm hospitality.
    Linking up at #16&17

  6. Hi Julie! Rich and I love to camp but sold our camper last year. I had so much fun organizing it and figuring out ways to maximize the small space! I can’t wait to follow your journey and see what you do with your camper!

    1. Oh… I bet you enjoyed that! Do you have posts about it on your blog? Lots of organizing and reorganizing. Trying to figure out what to do for my ‘desk’. Still brainstorming.

  7. Julie,
    WOW!! 200 square feet!! Can’t wait to see everything you will do to make it your own!! How exciting!!
    Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that I truly appreciate it!! I hope you will have a great week! Thanks for all the inspiration!!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Yeah… it’s really tiny! But, I’m really loving it. I think I was born to live tiny… at least my home. Now to work on the body! 😉

  8. Thanks for taking the time to have us over, Julie. I’m looking forward to seeing all your space saving tips for small living. I know you must be relieved to be moved and getting on with life. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

    1. I’m relieved the move is over, for sure! Almost all the clutter is gone. Just a few more things to do today… then photos of “before”, and a ‘to-do’ list.

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my cinnamon pastries Julie! And WOW – you sure have been busy! Even though the heavens think you need golden oak, I can’t wait to see how you make that little trailer darling! It’s so great of you to host through it all. Hope you have a lovely week and thanks again for the feature!

  10. I’m so excited for you Julie! And I laughed at the thought of the Lord removing all honey colored wood work from your life. 😉 Guess he knows you can turn it into something beautiful. Just don’t break your back! Congrats.

    1. Yes… the oak will all be going away over time! Super thankful for His provision, as always!

  11. Thanks so much for featuring my Disney tablescape! I appreciate it! I added a link to your blog at the end of that post. I look forward to reading more about your tiny living lifestyle!

  12. Julie, you have done such a great job with this post considering that you are so extremely busy. You are amazing with all you do! So happy for you that you are in your lovely new home and just getting all settled. It will be so nice when you have everything where you want it — and your garage sale is finished. Looking forward to seeing you enjoying your new home and making your yard look beautiful! Also, I am praying for “the perfect” job for you. God Bless You, Julie!

    1. Thanks, MaryAnn! Actually, I have ONE more garage sale to do… at my son and DIL’s home. Hopefully this month! Thanks for the prayers!

    1. Yes… I’m loving living tiny-er. I should be done with all the clutter today! It takes a while to organize and re-organize.

  13. Yey Julie! I am so happy you’re in your new place. Congrats. I looked at that picture, zoomed in & everything and can’t find anything “odd”. lol. Cannot wait to hear more. Happy Mother’s Day friend. XO- MaryJo

    1. My slider (where the sofa is) is not slid out all the way. The mechanism is NOT broken, but my lack of “real estate” is the issue! More details later!

  14. I know with your creativity that this new home is going to be fantastic once all the clutter clears. I love your NO LAND LORD. I’m so glad when I got there. My son saw something I put up on the outside and said I won’t let Sheila, his wife, do that to their house. I almost knocked him onto the sidewalk. I thought I taught him better than that. He is used to me and my ways.

    1. I actually laughed out loud, twice, when I read your comment about knocking your son onto the sidewalk! You are too funny! Yes, so excited that MWA trailer is mine (and, of course, the Lord’s)!

  15. Thanks so much for featuring our healthcare tribute wood round Julie and for hosting! I don’t know how you’re managing during a move but I can’t wait to see what you do with your tiny abode!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I’m taking one day at a time, and trying to not pressure myself too much. I want to enjoy the process!

  16. I’m glad you feature posts each week, Julie, since I find that I miss many of them the first time around. Thanks for the wonderful party you arrange each week. Even in the midst of moving! Can’t wait until you invite us to your new place!

    1. Oh, I’m glad you get to visit the features each week, Sandra. That’s the point, right? Working hard to get the little things done before I start the real renovations!

  17. CONGRATULATIONS on the new abode, Julie! I am excited to follow this latest journey you are embarking on! God speed! Creatively, Beth

    1. I’m very glad to be in the MWA trailer. SO much to do! So many photos to take ad posts to write!

    1. Thanks, Kristin. Yes. Don’t we always have lots going on? I’m ready for another trip to Hawaii! 😉

  18. Wow, Julie. You have been a busy lady! I can’t wait to see how everything looks once you put your special touches on it. Thank you so much for featuring my pineapple salsa. I appreciate it!

    1. I’m still brainstorming. I’m pretty sure I know the color palette, but I’m still researching! 😉 You are so welcome for the feature!

    1. You are so welcome! I’ve got a long list of to-do’s… both big and small, as well as a list of posts a mile long. Praying the Lord will give me the strength to get them all done!

  19. What a wonderful round up of features this week! Thanks so much for including my handkerchief wreath:) So glad you’re getting settled in your new cozy home; I’m sure you will make it beautiful!

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